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wearing growth proudly.

Writer's picture: by esther.

Updated: Dec 19, 2019

If you've been following us on Instagram, you'd know that we have welcomed not one, but two new talented by esther sisters - reg & mae! Read mae's very first blog about her beautiful journey of faith and growth!


“Our problem with following Jesus is that we’re trying to be a better version of us, rather than a more accurate version of Him.”

I had never really acknowledged how much I’ve grown until this year. UHH now you’re probably thinking “You is crazy gorl considering the many lessons you’ve learned in life you could have said this yet, you only realise this now?!?” This is probably because I often get caught up in this fast-paced world that left me to believe that I didn’t have enough time to reflect on my life.

I am that type of person that wants everything done immediately and that barely gives myself a break but recently, I’ve taken a break from social media. I am grateful to have done this because I’ve fallen in love with my prayer journal again since it’s a way for me to reflect on my faith which has led me to contemplate on the quote above.

It’s interesting how we always say to others, “Don’t be someone else, just be yourself,” so why try to be like God, and be a more accurate version of Him? I have come to a realisation that we are made in the image of God. So, in the first place this means that being an accurate version of Him is being ourselves anyway!! Being more like Him means we are more truly ourselves! From dust, God breathed in and exhaled life into us. We are His beautiful creations.

Sometimes I can forget this fact because I get caught up in the materialistic things and the way people perceive me on the outside. It’s incredible how social media can influence people like this, however, it is not necessarily a bad thing. Social media can be used for good, for inspiration. It was challenging to not be consumed by social media and to stop judging myself based on appearance and materialistic possessions, and honestly it still is.

What’s important though is that I haven’t stopped growing after overcoming these challenges. People grow every day, even in the simplest ways!! Even through sharing this I have realised how much my faith has been strengthened and how I’ve grown into a more accurate version of Him. Well maybe not so accurate, because I’m not perfect, and only God is truly perfect. I know I still have a lot to learn but I know there’s plenty of time for me to develop whilst on my path to sainthood.

Taking a few minutes out of your day to ponder the fact that you are a beautiful creation of God is something that helps you to grow in gratitude! Reflecting on how you could be a more accurate version of Him and how you could be more like Him is something we should always make time for, whether that might mean you need to change something in your life, like taking time off social media or waking up a little earlier to spend some time in prayer. So, in this month of blooming spring, I wear this growth proudly in my heart. Not to boast, but to share how we as sisters can help each other to get to heaven!!


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