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to my sisters who are struggling…

Writer's picture: by esther.

music for the soul: track 16

the God who fights for me – ZOE music

When the hardest battles coming at me

Rushing in like a flood

When my heart is at its farthest

In the hardest moments I've imagined

Still I know who You are

I can feel Your power working in this

You still my fears with Your peace

It's Your glory in my story

And I know Your love is

Working for me

You are the God who fights for me


To my sisters who are struggling,

I know that you may be dealing with different but all very challenging, painful and confusing situations and changes but here is what I have to say to you.

You are worthy. The present trials do not define you, nor any trials of the past or suffering in the future. You are the beloved daughter of the King of Heaven, your worth lies in that alone. Therefore, your worth can never increase or decrease. Whilst the world may tell you otherwise, your worth is infinite in the eyes of the Creator of the universe. Even though you might be forgotten here on earth, even for one second you are not forgotten in Heaven. The pain you are experiencing now is not what you deserve. There is more in store for you.

The trials are shaping you into who you were created to be. Although not part of your identity, these trials are a part of your story. And maybe your story will make a difference in someone else's life one day. Allow these trials to draw you closer to the One Who can get you through it. These trials are shaping you to become a saint.

Be content with today. Maybe it feels like you can't wait until ____ happens or _____ is over to be "happy." But today is what we have now. Let us use it for His glory and give thanks for it all. Our suffering does not compare to Jesus' on the cross. He knows our pain. But the hurt may blind us from seeing the good. Let us not harden our hearts but choose to see the good that still remains in the world around us, to see God in the world around us.

Take care of you. You are His masterpiece; you reflect His beauty. You may look at yourself with frustration, disappointment and shame but God looks at you and sees love. Like any artwork, treat yourself with respect, patience and care.

Place your trust in Him. He is the only unchanging One, He is the only guarantee in this world. Everything else is passing – yes, including this present suffering. God will get you through this, you don’t have to rely on yourself. We may be broken, but we can be restored.

Pray, pray, pray. Prayer is being in relationship with God, there are so many different ways to pray, (the sacraments, rosary, divine mercy chaplet, litanies, scripture, vocal/silent prayer, journal) find what works for you. He can hear you and He listens. Maybe you don’t feel anything when you pray, maybe you don’t see any fruits from it. Though it may not unfold in the way you expect, God will answer your prayers.

I am praying for you. I know you can get through this. God will allow this trial to pass by giving you the strength to get through it. Your life was worth dying for. Keep on fighting. Just because it is a battle that only you can fight, it doesn't mean that you fight it alone.




Listen to "The God who Fights for Me” here.

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