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Writer's pictureby esther.

the woman at the well.

The woman at the well - known as St Photina in the Orthodox Church - had the longest recorded conversation with Jesus in the Bible. (John 4:4-42).

How incredible is that? What an honour that would have been!

What do we know about her? She was a Samaritan woman, who had a reputation, known for her sins and failures. One day, she went to the well (now known as Jacob’s Well), at the hottest time of day to fetch for some water alone, away from the large crowds of people. Jesus approached her there and spoke to her.

He saw her.

He knew her.

He recognised her.

He accepted her.

He loved her.

Jesus saw her beyond her sins.

He didn’t allow her sins to define nor deny her of her true identity as a daughter of God.

This encounter with Jesus is so beautiful. It shows us His Merciful Love. It shows us how much He wants us to be with Him, and how much He wants us to remember who we are and Whose we are. It’s never too late to repent and fix our eyes back on God. It’s never too late to turn our lives around and move past our failures and mistakes. Our Lord Jesus Christ is so merciful. He wants to heal us. He wants to love us abundantly and all we need to do is simply let Him. Jesus is willing to meet us where we are.

Fortunately enough, I and a few of my by esther sisters were able to go on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land a few years ago. What wasn’t originally part of our itinerary was visiting Samaria. And so, when given the opportunity we decided to go to Samaria. We visited the Church of St Photina, where in the grotto underneath the Church was Jacob’s Well. We were even able to drink water from the very well itself!

This earring collection “Meet You at the Well” takes inspiration from this story of the woman at the well. The textures were created with the water from the well in mind and the bricks and stones of the well and ground of the Holy Land as inspiration. This collection hopes to serve as a reminder of the Merciful Love and Grace of Jesus Christ. May we all meet Him at the well, allowing Him to shower us with His Mercy, Grace and Love. May every woman be reminded of her identity as a daughter of God, a God who is willing to meet us where we are.

Shop the collection now on our Etsy store.


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