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the one where i learn two things.

Writer's picture: by esther.

Remember that FRIENDS episode where Phoebe tries to prove to Joey the existence of altruism and that it’s possible to do good deeds with selfless intentions? Well, I always found that episode interesting and thought-provoking, especially, in terms of the theological virtue of charity.

When I offer my time, treasures, talents, etc. to others, I don’t often realise that I expect the other person to express a sense of gratitude or appreciation, except during the times when they don’t. Feelings of bitterness and annoyance arise so I usually say a prayer of humility, asking for God’s grace to help me through that challenging moment.

A few days ago, I was particularly frustrated because I felt underappreciated and undervalued. I had counted all the times I offered assistance to this one person (in my head) and was hurt by the things this individual was saying and implying.

Whilst debriefing about this experience with someone close to me, I poured out my feelings of anger, guilt for wanting to be acknowledged, and sadness about what had happened. They responded with, “Maybe that’s how God feels when He gives and gives, and we don’t care.” I was astounded.

To summarise, I had learnt two things from this day:

1. The truth of humanity is that we all have limitations. Despite striving for virtues of humility and sincere charity, I may never perfect them on earth. I am a work in progress who is pursuing sanctity and holiness – goals unattainable without God’s grace. May I never stop praying as well as remembering my need for His grace.

2. God loves me unconditionally but when I sin, I hurt our relationship. Thankfully, the great thing about a loving God is that He never counts the number of times I fall or even the gifts that He bestows in my life. All He asks is that I love him in return. Showing my gratitude to God is a small way I can do that, and asking Our Lady for help with this, even more so.


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